How to Make Airline Pet Travel Safer

This is the right pet plan and gear that can help you dodge the drama of the next airline blunder. From mishandling of pet carriers, misdirecting dogs to the wrong airport, to leaving animals for extended periods in extreme temperatures such as a hot tarmac, taking a few extra steps could make a difference on your journey.

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5 Things You Own That Could Be Making You Money

Kurt the CyberGuy adds up the extra cash people are making renting out their belongings. See if you have any of these highly rentable items in your life and the 5 things to know before you rent out your possessions. Easy shortcuts to making your listing more attractive to renters.

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New Ways to Avoid the Flu

When crowdsourced apps that are tracking the flu show up with irrefutable evidence and solid reporting from the CDC and World Health Organizations start scaring the bejesus out of me, I start to look at the facts and feel the warning ping my common sense radar.

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