Cool Tech that Helps You Beat the Heat

Just like you need your furnace and heating oil (Click here to know more) ready for the harsh cold winters, you have got to be summer ready with the best in technology as well! With record temperatures hitting the world, I thought I’d show you some cool tech, gadgets, and gear the CyberGuy team is putting to the test. It starts with a way to save money on your power bill by giving your old window and portable AC unit a makeover. Speaking of AC units, if you’re looking for installation or maintenance services to help you with your unit, you may want to check out the likes of professionals at CJS Heating and Air for assistance in getting you ready for the sweltering summer months.

The Tado Smart AC Control $199

  • Connects via downloaded app to connect your smartphone to your portable AC unit
  • Saves energy and reduces electric bill by turning off automatically when you leave and allow you to schedule and control remotely from anywhere.
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Sensibo – Your Smart Air Conditioner Has Arrived – Starter Kit Is $239

  • Cools Your Home Before You Arrive
  • Saves Energy/Reduces Electricity Bill
  • Turns Off Automatically When You Leave
  • Lets You Control The A/C From Anywhere
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Coolest Cooler – Blender, USB, Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker All In One $485

What happens when you come up with a crazy idea that 62,000 people like so much on kickstarter that you raise over $13.2 million before you’ve even begun making you idea come true? Ryan Grepper is the genius who took the chance at a reinventing the cooler. Coolest Cooler is a smart cooler on wheels with what must be the smartest design I have ever seen in a portable cooler. Yes. it has a built-in blender which is quite powerful, USB plugs to charge your gear, and two bluetooth speakers that let you jam out from tunes on your smartphone. We have amongst the first ones off the production line and can report that is very high quality, intelligently designed and makes me want one when I would never have imagined the love crush that struck me after 3 minutes with this innovative way to improve a portable cooler.

Chill-Its Microfiber Cooling Towels – Appx $9.99

Sometimes its something simple that goes a long way to cooling down a hot day. Chill-Its microfiber technology activates when you dampen it under the faucet. The fiber creates a natural evaporation process that produces a cool towel to put on your neck, forehead or anywhere you want to chill.

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Ambi Electronic Ice Cube cooling device – $49.99

I honestly got this one in for testing thinking it was far too good to be true. I was wrong. Within a few minutes of putting in 4 AA batteries and turning the Ambi on, the metal surface was icy cold. The idea is that you can chill your neck or any part of your body to lower your temperature and introduce some cool relief from the heat. It works incredibly well and comes with a handy neoprene pouch making it easy to take it to go. Ambi is great for injuries, bug bites, sunburn relief all in the palm of your hand.

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If you’ve got an idea, a smart app or product in development, let us know about it by commenting below.

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