Don’t let snoops nearby listen to your voicemail with this quick tip

We all have busy lives between work, taking care of our families, grocery shopping, and more. This leaves little time for us to always answer our phones and listen to our voicemail messages.

However, a trick is available to iPhone owners that you may not know about, and it allows you to skip listening to your inbox full of voicemails altogether.

If I don’t listen to my voicemail, how will I know what the message said?

This iPhone feature has been around for quite some time, yet many people still don’t even realize it exists.

With the Visual Voicemail feature, every voicemail left in your inbox comes with audio transcription. When a person leaves a voicemail for you, your iPhone will automatically transcribe the message they’ve left you so that you can still know what they said without having to spend time listening to the message.

You also will always know when you have a new voicemail, as the visual voicemail feature will show a blue dot next to any voicemail message that has yet to be opened.

How do I look at the voicemail transcription?

  • Open your Phone app
  • Tap on the Voicemail tab
  • Click on one of the messages left in your inbox
  • If your voicemail transcription feature is turned on, you should see a transcription of the message you selected

Note: your iPhone must have the iOS10 software update or later and must be the model 6s and above to have this feature.

Why are there spaces or incorrect words in my transcription?

Sometimes when reading a voicemail audio transcription, you will notice that were are a few words that don’t make sense or some blank spaces with no words at all. This is because although the voicemail transcription feature does its best to transcribe the message exactly, it cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. If the person who left you the message has unclear speech, poor cellphone service, or speaks a language that your phone is not set to recognize, there may be a few incorrect or missing words in there. However, you should be able to at least get a general sense of the message without having to listen to the entire thing.

Is this a feature that you have found helpful? We’d love to hear from you.




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