New prosthetics restore natural movement via nerve connection
A surgical procedure and neuroprosthetic interface allow individuals with amputations to control prosthetic legs using their nervous systems.
A surgical procedure and neuroprosthetic interface allow individuals with amputations to control prosthetic legs using their nervous systems.
5 innovative breakthroughs that use artificial intelligence, robotics, and sensors to help older adults overcome the challenges of aging.
Brinc’s Responder quadcopter is a game-changing crime-fighting drone transforming emergency response capabilities.
The resurfaced “EctoLife” video, while fictional, has reignited discussions of potential artificial womb technology advancements.
The viral “BrainBridge” video depicting a futuristic head transplant machine is revealed to be an elaborate hoax.
Ascension, a major U.S. health system, was hit by a major cyberattack, disrupting services and possibly exposing patient data.
Explore how iPhone 14 & 15’s accessibility features enhance life for those with vision or hearing challenges.
10 health devices that stole the show at CES 2024 and are giving us a glimpse into the next generation of health tech.
I’ve learned so much about senior tech and its practical application to real life that I could write a series of books on the topic.