How to send spam calls directly to voicemail
Never worry about picking up a spam call again using these tips for both iPhone and Android devices – send spammers straight to voicemail.
Never worry about picking up a spam call again using these tips for both iPhone and Android devices – send spammers straight to voicemail.
The widespread adoption of QR codes may be coming at the cost of personal security. I take a look at how the QR system is changing the game of business, data concerns and how to protect your privacy.
A man shared how his wife was scammed by crooks posing as their bank, using a fake fraud alert text & a follow-up call to steal their funds.
The FBI warns that criminals are increasingly using generative AI technologies to exploit individuals through various deceptive tactics.
Hackers are adding malicious code to legitimate Chrome extensions to steal sensitive user data through a variety of methods.
Data brokers pose huge risks to retirement security by selling personal information, but you can take proactive steps to safeguard your data.
Scam callers are pretending to be your cable and internet providers, how to detect them and protect yourself from them.
Unexpected international calls may signal scams, so avoid answering unknown numbers and take protective measures to safeguard your info.
A tech support scam involved a fake Windows Defender pop-up, prompting the victim to call a number and download remote access software.
Using both a VPN and antivirus is essential: VPNs protect privacy, while antivirus defends your device against malware.