3 Unsung Tech Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Well-deserved gratitude and praise go to the frontline men and women who are at the center of the response working tireless hours in hospitals.

And then there are the unsung heroes trying to make a difference on one level or another for those very same people keeping us safe. As millions of people start working from home, businesses are needing to reply on techology to get work done. They are looking to Learn More about Microsoft Teams and SBC vendors, having to hold meetings online, and use VPNs to allow remote access to their network. But there are also a lot of previously unknown tech that is helping businesses stay afloat. Without the technology we have available to us, we would not have been able to survive as businesses during this pandemic. For example, if telecommunication services (such as Gamma sip trunking) were not working efficiently, important business calls and conversations wouldn’t be able to happen. This could have led to the closing of many more companies. Here are three other technologies that recently caught my attention that you need to know about.

Heroic Urgent Communications Tool “BeOn” Made Free for COVID-19 Response

What does the world leader in encrypted communications do in response to seeing the chaos on the front line of the COVID-19 emergency in hospitals, city government, EMS, Fire, Police and 911 Dispatch?

L3Harris knew they had to do something powerful with their array of secure group communications know-how, so they created BeOn Push-to-Talk radio app that can connect and and every emergency frontline worker together or in groups and are offering it for free for 90 days to any hospital or qualifying organization.

BeOn provides critical team communications quickly, easily and securely. The universal app that works on all major operating platforms will be made free as long as the emergency pandemic response is underway. Front line workers can use their own Android or iOS smart phone or tablet and Windows PC to connect anywhere. While law enforcement and 911 Dispatch usually have a robust communications system even during normal times, we are now facing unusual situations wherein crises not only due to the virus itself but also mental health and fear could very well be on the rise. Dispatch communication solutions that offer secure and quick ways to connect the people in need with the people who can support them is most definitely the need of the hour.

The BeOn app has tremendous power to bring order to chaos in any emergency response management. Along with sharing up to the moment voice and data with individuals and teams, a hospital for example might use the built-in map to locate and track the availability of a healthcare worker out of the building when needed in a pinch.

If you know someone in a hospital or government office responding the the Coronavirus emergency, share this with them so they can have their administrator connect with these generous folks asap at www.l3harris.com/BeOnHealth

Thank you L3Harris along with their partner RACOM for moving the needle and being an unsung hero during this remarkable time when secure communications are key.

Merci app says ‘COVID can’t stop kindness’ by thanking essential workers

The Merci app for both Android and iOS lets you thank essential workers in a meaningful way. The two brothers behind the Merci app thought of the idea to praise front facing workers a couple of years ago and pivoted to turn the focus of this free thanking app to front line COVID-19 workers.

Merci app shares the praise you give to a medical worker, vet worker, grocery store worker, or maybe its a restaurant worker delivering food….any essential worker. When you recognize ordinary Americans on the front line doing extraordinary brave work, take a moment to share it with them and their organization through the Merci app.

On top of the valuable acknowledgement to the hard-working people who deserve thanks right now, there is system built-in to the app that allows good deeds to be rewarded.

Facebook COVID Request or Offer Help page can turn you into a local hero

The Facebook Request or Offer Help page will populate to needs in your community. For example, there was a post from Mike in my area 7 miles away asking for help volunteering to unload food donations from a uhaul truck. Another post shows someone looking to provide free face masks to those who have none.

Start by tapping the “Request Help” or “Offer Help” button. This helpful Facebook community page can be filtered to show different categories and you can dial up or down the distance from your location to show needs that are right in your own neighborhood.

So, there are lots of people helpful fight COVID. These could be the people who develop innovative new testing technology similar to the equipment on a website like https://www.sciquip.co.uk/products/centrifuges.html, to the people who have developed new vaccine technology at record speed to ensure we can roll out vaccines as soon as possible. These companies saw a way to help during the crisis and took initiative. For that, we can all be thankful. Take a moment to share this with your friends and family.

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