The Apple Maps Flyover Feature Will Wow You

I’m still not convinced that Apple Maps has risen to the level of Google Maps and others, except for this one new knock-your-socks-off feature. I am always amazed how something extraordinary is right under my nose and didn’t even know it. This is one of those amazing app features that brings some of life’s secrets into a new viewpoint from a birds eye above.

Its only with a perspective that differs from the ordinary one that we are able to see the same things in a whole new way. Flyover City Tours does this like butter on bread. So smooth and delicious are the flyovers of my neighborhood in NYC and of cities I love to visit.

It always help to know the noteworthy landmarks that should be on your must see list when traveling. The brilliant part of this flyover feature is not a revolutionary new app to download but a new feature inside Apple’s new IOS8 operating system for iPhones and iPads. I’d venture to bet that Apple will be adding new cities to the list of the existing ones which are New York, San Francisco, London and Paris.

To get to Apple Maps Flyover:

  • open Maps then search one of the cities above.
  • Hit the button at the top of the page labeled 3D Flyover Tour.
  • Enjoy!

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