U.S. on high alert for cyberattacks. Are you prepared?

Russia has the ability to deploy cyberweapons against the U.S. infrastructure at any moment. They’ve spent years infiltrating critical American systems learning how to disrupt power grids, gas pipelines, water distribution systems, financial markets, banks, and ATMs.

Silent and destructive

The same cyber attacks that Russians are targeting against Ukraine can be pointed at us here in the U.S. just as easily and with greater intensity.

Those attacks aren’t necessarily limited to government and infrastructure.  Russia could increase disruptive attacks against Americans directly.

Most common ways Russian hackers attack Americans

Russia most often deploys the same mundane methods in order to launch a cyber attack against Americans.   The top methods to be on alert for include the malware, ransomware, DDOS, spearphishing and brute force attacks because the enemy knows how we often fall into their cyber traps.

How easily they can attack

Russian cyber officials and their contractors are so skilled at placing malware and instigating successful ransomware attacks, that they very well could subsidize the cost of waging war by stealing from Americans.

This should be a wake call to check your own digital security and protection. One weak device in your world can take down the rest of your technology at home.

Be prepared

Whether Russia or another bad actor it’s not a question of if you’ll be targeted for an attack at some point, but when. Be prepared by adding anti-virus security protection to all of your devices.

Best Antivirus protection for 2022

You can see the recently released article on the Best AntiVirus Software in 2022 including the editor’s choice winner TotalAV which offers outstanding protection.



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Deborah Woods February 25, 2022 - 5:14 am
I saw you on Fox News this morning and I am letting friends and family and Businesses know about this.
Ray Ortiz March 12, 2022 - 7:09 am
Thank you for your advice. I have a problem with someone taking my disability cash off my card. 2 times it has happened to me. I live alone and my atm card is always with me. I dont kniw giw they are even getting my new cars numbee or pin.
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