Privacy Guide from a CyberCrime Fighter

Plugging up the newest leaks in your personal data and digital security. Think of your digital life being a boat and any loose privacy settings and security lapses being like a hole that needs to be plugged before you sink. I talk with a pro from Norton who I call a digital wonder woman. She holds a number of incredible titles including one that gets my attention, “certified identity risk management specialist”. See why the FBI turns to her for training.

Podcast: Listen to the entire Episode 8 podcast here:

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Podcast Timecodes:
00:20 143 Million victims in the U.S.

  • 19.4 Billion lost to cyber criminals
  • 19.8 hours is average time needed to recover from security/privacy incident

00:43 The group of people most prone to cyber criminals

04:40 What scares this digital wonder woman who is certified identify theft risk management specialist

05:38 Why WiFi is one of the latest threats facing anyone

06:00 What information is vulnerable on public wifi networks

06:27 Who wants our personal data

07:57 Looks like a coupon, acts like trouble maker

09:00 What to do if you click on maliciously suspicious email

10:35 What’s in malware

11:30 When malware becomes ransomware

12:15 Should you pay ransom if your data is held hostage?

13:!5 The one thing to do to fend off a ransomware attack

13:56 Why should I care about my personal data being shared when I have nothing to hide?

15:00 How to rethink keeping your digital footprint secure

15:35 Top online safety tips to know now

16:44 What do you need to know about the Dark Web

17:35 When your Social Security Number gets compromised

18:00 Avoid a hacker getting into “full account takeover mode”

19:20 Why to use a password manager

19:56 How to pick a strong password

20:40 What could go wrong with using a hotel’s unprotected WiFi network

21:33 How fraudsters break into home connected devices like thermostats, cameras

22:34 Unsolicited messages are more trouble on a smartphone

23:22 Use multi-platform protection software and services

24:00 What if one device in your network lets a hacker into the rest of your digital life

24:32 The next biggest threats

Listen to more of my podcasts here

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