
Privacy Guide from a CyberCrime Fighter

Plugging up the newest leaks in your personal data and digital security. Think of your digital life being a boat and any lose privacy settings and security lapses being like a hole that needs to be plugged before you sink. I talk with a pro from Norton who I call a digital wonder woman. She holds a number of incredible titles including one that gets my attention, “certified identity risk management specialist”. See why the FBI turns to her for training.

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Is Your Home Wireless Router Safe?

Smart devices connected to our home wireless internet are opening up the risk of exposing our homes and families to the evils of hackers. One unprotected device on your home network can provide a conduit for cyber crooks and others with bad intentions into your home. Just thinking about my own home and some of the newer connected devices, here is what a hacker could do if able to get in my home WiFi router.

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