Tech Trivia: Gone Phishing
Play our tech trivia challenge! Is your email enough information for a scammer to launch a phishing attack? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Is your email enough information for a scammer to launch a phishing attack? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Do gas money saving apps really track your location? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Does a factory reset delete your entire hard drive? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Is it a smart cost-saving measure to use public WiFi when traveling? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Is it legal for online sites to sell your personal info to the highest bidder? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Can hackers access your doorbell camera footage? Race the clock to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Can you identify a spam caller by their phone number alone? Play to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Do you know the ins and outs of blocking a number from your smartphone? Play to find out.
Play our tech trivia challenge! Do you know the ins and outs of blocking a number from your smartphone? Play to find out.
Put your tech smarts to the test with our trivia pop quiz. Check out this week’s challenge and see if you can spot the truth from the lies.