4 Alexa Settings to Protect Your Privacy

My mom loves her Echo Spot.  The newest way to get Alexa comes in the form of a well-designed round clock radio.  Since she’s got it on her nightstand, there are some quick settings to Alexa that you also want to do to get better control of your privacy.

Check ‘Drop In’ settings

This feature allows anyone in your contact list to turn your Echo into an intercom and holler at you anytime. You can choose between off, household only, and on.

Voice Purchasing

When turned on, you can purchase Amazon items by voice. Many with kids either turn off voice purchasing or set a PIN code to be able make purchases when the person knows the 4 digit PIN.

Mute Button

The easiest way on most Amazon Echo devices to disable Alexa from listening is simply pressing the mute button on top of the device. Amazon says when button is off, they cannot listen.

Electrical Tape & Webcam Cover Slide

The most undervalued and effective way to control video cameras from prying into our private lives is to put a small piece of electrical tape over the lens when not being used. You’ll find the Echo camera at the center top of the Echo Show and Echo Spot devices.  There are several versions of webcam cover slides that you can stick to a variety of small cameras to slide when in use and slide closed when you want to shut out the outside world.

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