Is Your Home Wireless Router Safe?

Smart devices connected to our home wireless internet are opening up the risk of exposing our homes and families to the evils of hackers.

One unprotected device on your home network can provide a conduit for cyber crooks and others with bad intentions into your home. Just thinking about my own home and some of the newer connected devices, here is what a hacker could do if able to get in my home WiFi router.

What a hacker could do in your home.

* Open garages
* Open gates
* Unlock the front door
* Monitor your family
* Control your TV
* Hacker could put keystroke logger to steal information coming off any machine in your house – if your unfamiliar with the term keystroke or keylogger, pcTattletale explain what this software is
* Trace all data coming and going from your house to skim out information you hold sacred such as social security numbers, credit cards, and bank logon credentials.
* Turn on all webcams and watch you- even turn on microphones to listen to you
* Turn on heat or AC
* Get your schedule to know when you are home or away

New technology is strengthening your home internet connection. Now you can extend wifi outside your home too. This could be great for connecting with outside cameras, especially if you’re away and want to check up on your home. Additionally, the same folks who are known for protecting computers from attacks have launched a secure wireless router designed to protect your home from the increasing dangers.

Norton Core is a secure home wireless router that replaces your older home router usually provided by your internet service provider. It acts like a watch dog alerting you to an intrusion and blocks threats on your home network. The parental control are an added bonus where parents can finally have easier control over their children’s access to the internet. Norton Core secure wirless router is high performance and controlled by an easy to use downloadable app. Norton Core is $279 and comes with the first year of protection included.

Most older home WiFi routers are not as safe as they could be and are outdated having been created long before the ideas of our homes having several connected devices.

3 Ways to Check Safety of Your Home Internet

1. Ask your internet service provider if your router firmware is up to date.
2. Hide the name of your home WiFi network from outsiders.
3. Set-up complex passwords for your router admin panel and home network.

Test Your Internet Connection

Begin Test

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Mary McKinney September 30, 2017 - 5:07 am
Do you have to have a iPhone to set this up and use it?
Tony September 30, 2017 - 10:54 pm
Hey, Kurt. Love your "jack-rabbit show" on FOX! (The quoted phrase is because they always have you race through your stuff, don't they. LOL) But good advice about home-router security, even tho I was already on top of that. BTW, what do you think of the TENTA Browser? Do you use it yourself? Would you recommend it? Thanks for all you do!
Kurt Knutsson March 12, 2018 - 10:56 am
Hi Tony, Thanks for the note. I like the Tenta browser along with any tools that help put us back in control of our online destiny with personal information sharing. Tenta, like other VPN-based browsers, let's you know when and how your info is being shared to others.. and does a good job blocking what you don't want to share. I also like using more mainstream browsers like Chrome and Firefox with add-on blocking filters. Some faves are HTTPS Everywhere and Disconnect
Armstrong Jan October 1, 2017 - 6:41 am
On router security: What about apple extreme and time machine routers.
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