This isn’t about which candidate is yours or which party you are affiliated with.
It’s about how America is getting suckered using its own inventions that Russia realized and uses against us.
Facebook is the problem. And if nothing changes, Facebook will sell out to foreigners again to influence the next U.S. election.
If you don’t care how some of the most influential Americans are selling the chance for foreign governments to change the outcome of our U.S. elections, then you can stop reading now.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the person who failed America. Now that enough evidence has come to light showing that Facebook knew they were taking tens of thousands of dollars from Russians to spread fake news to influence the American election, very little is being done to hold it or its leader responsible.
It’s now clear that Facebook sold access to Russia to create numerous fake accounts to propagate fake news. And what they did to police this sort of meddling in the US election didn’t matter much if your credit card payment went through. It is as if Facebook invited foreign governments to simply take over if they had the money to get the influence Facebook is willing to sell to just about anyone who can pay.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shaking hands with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in 2012.
Facebook turned a blind eye to America so that it could profit from driving in influential ad sales from people it later learned were not authentic and who had created fake accounts to mislead America.
And worse, it won’t even say whether someone tried to use your profile to do it, even though they may know.
From the get go I knew we had a Russia problem with Facebook. I started reporting it ahead of others. I called out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg when he was inattentive to the issue and ignored the warnings of the seriousness of Russian involvement in our election.
Zuckerberg first dealt with it by saying that it was not his problem, and that Facebook isn’t a media company. Now, you can count on what he said as being fake news and a utterly clear BS response from a guy who may have not meant anything wrong for the USA at first, but who wanted to make money in his pursuit of the American dream.
That’s not what worries me. It’s what Zuckerberg is not doing that does.
I don’t think he meant to let the Russians in. But he did. And when he did, more troubling is that Facebook did not take aggressive action necessary to help keep out fake accounts and fake information from fake sources we now clearly know to be from Russia.
At best its sloppy. More accurately would be that Facebook is the reason Russia was able to shape the American public into believing what they wanted them to believe.
In 2016, Russia wanted to squash Clinton. In 2020, Trump very well could be next on their chopping block if he does not make decisions in the favor of Russia.
And for some reason, this doesn’t mean enough to Zuckerberg to make swift and take dramatic corrective steps.
Wake up call. Facebook is the largest media company in the world. Back in 2012, Facebook held its initial public offering (IPO) on Friday, which raised $16 billion. This made it the third largest IPO in U.S. history. If you purchased $10,000 worth of shares at $38 when it launched its IPO, your investment would be worth $53,540 as of May 14, 2020. It’s not too late to invest now, though. You can buy facebook shares uk on the BuyShares website. It also has over 2.7 billion monthly active users and it influences more people with more information than any other information platform. Though it’s perfectly understandable if you want to research your stock broker options before diving in. Many of the apps discussed in this article on “the best online trading app in india” can also be used in many other countries and one of them may take your fancy.
Facebook more recently was seen as coming clean by sending a group to testify that $100K+ of revenue was taken in by Facebook from anonymous sources now linked back to Russian fake accounts.
At first I thought this coming clean moment was humble and patriotic. I was mistaken.
It appears that Facebook in many more ways created a means by which foreign entities controlled American information and profited from it. What they reported is now clear to be a drop in the bucket and lacking a complete picture of the real infiltration into what amounts to aiding and profiting from espionage and foreign counter intelligence against America.
Facebook needs to be more honest about acknowledging what they did wrong – even unintentionally at the beginning. And they more importantly need to take massive deliberate steps toward action that prevents foreign entities from influencing our democracy in the future.
What Facebook needs to do right now without delay:
1) Provide the American public with Kremlin-backed propaganda that it uncovered.
2) Let any Facebook users know who’s accounts may have been targeted by Russians
3) Investigate and turn over all reports of Russian influenced fake profiles, posts and users
This is not about an investigation into who is in the White House then or now. This is about helping America fend off and block the influence of foreign attacks via social media networks from this point forward.
Facebook needs to take greater responsibility. Create means to stop foreign influence on their platform. If not, then Facebook should be held responsible for aiding foreign criminal influence.
No Russian or any foreign government should have the ability to steer American sentiment and certainly not while Facebook lines its pockets with more cash in the process. If Facebook can’t get a handle on it, then our elected officials need to rise to the task.
Until Facebook takes greater responsibility, I would suggest any chant of locking someone up points to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.