Pregnant woman ditches 911 to call for help on Facebook.
Chiwoniso Luzolo also known as Teila Robinson facebook photo
Surrounded by 12 feet of rising water and stranded, Chiwoniso Luzolo is turning to Facebook for help. Attempts to get through to emergency services by calling on her phone failed in her hometown of Cypress, Texas. Priority going to victims who’s home interiors are flooded first. Luckily, at last check Chiwoniso’s home on stilts is just barely dry inside and she still has some food on hand.
She knew things were getting serious as the water started lapping over her 12 foot high deck. When she failed get help through to 911, Chiwoniso grabbed her phone and went live with this video call for help on Facebook.
Chiwoniso says “a lot of people who’ve been reaching out” through her Facebook page are trying to help. What she needs most of all right now is a rescue boat. You can her the frustration in her voice as she narrates her experience of being stuck in her flooded neighborhood. She shares how neighbors on either side of her are also in need of help.
“Where the hell is my boat!?”
She points out that she does not live on a river or body of water and that what you can see through her facebook video calling for help is normally a dry street.
Other friends are joining in by passing along her message for help but we are not aware if any rescue attempt has been up to this point.
In her video Chiwoniso says there are two goats, two dogs and two adults that need to be rescued. Her cry for help is just one upon thousands from stranded residents in various Texas communities.
Update: August 31, 10:35AM CT – Subject in this story goes by Chiwoniso Luzolo although her legal name is Teila Robinson. She is no longer asking to be rescued and has turned to focusing her posts on politicizing her experience in Cypress, Texas.