
Get the latest privacy related news from Kurt and CyberGuy and his tips and tricks you can use to fight off hackers and prying eyes.

Privacy Guide from a CyberCrime Fighter

Plugging up the newest leaks in your personal data and digital security. Think of your digital life being a boat and any lose privacy settings and security lapses being like a hole that needs to be plugged before you sink. I talk with a pro from Norton who I call a digital wonder woman. She holds a number of incredible titles including one that gets my attention, “certified identity risk management specialist”. See why the FBI turns to her for training.

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Is Your Email Address on the Dark Web?

Check this exploit detection site to see if your email is listed on the dark web. Cyber criminals are attacking our personal information more powerfully and are willing to pay in order to take advantage of your email address. If you see your email address listed here, change your password ASAP.

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How Facebook Stalks You

How Facebook is willing to connect just about anyone with a credit card to a very targeted audience when buying an ad on the social media network which now includes Instagram is how they make money.

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Tools to Get Back Your Online Privacy

Online privacy protections are out the door with congress repealing rules that would make it tougher for Internet service providers to sell your personal data. Tools can help restore some of your privacy and remove your every move for the world to see and sell.

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