New Technology Stops Vehicles From Being Turned into Weapons
Should your police department have this new anti-terror tech?
Should your police department have this new anti-terror tech?
I found the police tech that is now the model of innovative policing keeping communities safe in one forward thinking California city.
Do you have what it takes to fend for your life in a predator shark attack? These 5 technologies to help repel a shark attack could be what saves your life.
10 people a day lose their lives to unintentional drownings in the U.S. Now there are 2 new gadgets that can help you strengthen the safety of a pool.
It’s not the stuff you know you are sharing, it’s the little things adding up that you never thought you are sharing in social media that is aiding Facebook in diving deeper into your personal life.
Trying to see what flights are taking off when yours gets canceled? Follow my tips to get any flight rebooked.
Battling the bite of winter storms is getting easier. My review of some of the latest technology that can warm you up and save your life.
Police emergency response to the San Bernardino mass shooting brought technology centerstage as the officers deployed a robot to face a hostile threat facing its officers.
Thieves are using high-tech methods to unlock your vehicle doors. Here are some ways to protect yourself from carjackers getting into your car.
Since cheering “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” in the Wizard of Oz has there been worth something to celebrate the ding dong sound in your home.