5 Secrets Airlines Won’t Tell You

Trying to see what flights are taking off when yours gets canceled?  Follow my tips below to get your rebooked!

FLIGHTBOARD App (iosAndroid) shows every major airports real-time departures and arrivals.
Even if the airline you are flying on is not flying another one could get you going.

That tool might give you back some power when airlines are some of the biggest hold outs to providing tips on how to make the travel easier. For example, often times when bad weather hits an airport, the FAA may impost that all airlines at that airport reduce their flights by say 20%. Which flights do you sacrifice if you are the airline? Exactly. The first to go are the least profitable such as small regional flights which also impacts fewer passengers. Larger length flights to more expensive cities also tend to be the last to be canceled. Takeaway: Get off little planes with cheap tickets at first the sign of trouble.


Frequent flyers who want to know what the airlines are not telling you about real flight inventory, this site will for a vasts majority of airlines. When the weather clears, you can see which airline has seats and how many. Subscription $5-10/month

For example: It could turn out that rebooking flights home when yours is cancelled looks impossible. Try flying through cities that do not automatically come up in search results of available flights such as Canadian cities. Airlines will often allow bizarre routing like this if requested after a flight is cancelled. But if you are not getting the help you need at the airport counter or on the phone, there is another solution to explore.



Airlines’ phones may be ringing off the hook with extended hold times to reach an agent. Meanwhile, most airlines have an independent social media team ready to help in an instant on twitter. Simply launch twitter and follow your choice airline. Once following, a direct message will likely be answered within minutes if not seconds in some cases.

Top airlines twitter accounts:



Search beyond travel sites and airlines on Google Flights. Few know that Google purchased the backbone to travel bookings ITA and now are giving access to see nearly all booking possibilities. If there appears to be no seat going in the direction and time you desire, keep checking since everything is fluid and seats could magically open up.



When I want to know if my nearby airport is operating, and my airline’s flights are flying, I open LiveATC app to listen to the air travel control tower. You may know that flights have resumed after a storm before the airline phone reps. Launch app, Select airport, then various live audio streams such as tower, departures and ground frequencies. (iOS, Android)





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