AirTag tracker detector warns of stalkers in seconds

It seems that no matter what Apple does to try to dodge the reputation it’s earning for an AirTag being used by creeps, it can’t shake the reality that stalker-type crimes highlight the tracking technology hidden inside a victim’s belonging.

AirTags have been a huge asset for helping people find their lost items, whether it be a missing piece of luggage at the airport or a laptop case that was left behind at your coffee shop.

Although, these products also have a history of falling into the wrong hands, and some have had stalkers plant AirTags on their items without their knowledge. The good news is, there may be a new product to stop that now.

What is this new product called BlueSleuth-Lite?

The product is called the BlueSleuth-Lite, and it is designed to stop stalkers in their tracks by detecting AirTags and any other Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) tags instantly according to its innovative American inventors.

The BlueSleuth-Lite is a palm-sized device that can attach to your keychain and can be charged both through a USB mini or wireless charging.

The creators of the device at Berkeley Varitronics Systems claim that it is more sensitive and accurate than any smartphone app and that it is the only product that immediately identifies and alerts for hidden BLE tags.

The BlueSleuth-Lite is based on the existing product BlueSleuth, and according to their campaign, the creators have sold hundreds of BlueSleuth Bluetooth skimmer locators to law enforcement task forces, ATM security teams, Weights and Measures inspectors and owners/managers operating fuel stations plagued by hidden Bluetooth card skimmers.

Credit: Berkeley Varitronics Systems

How can I get the BlueSleuth-Lite?

The BlueSleuth-Lite is not yet available to the public on the market as it is still being crowdfunded. At the time of publishing, the product had reached up to $5,167 of its $18,000 goal on Kickstarter. If you pledge $499 in support, you will receive the first batch to stop stalkers and any other illegal tracking.

How can I protect myself in the meantime?

There are lots of items out there that you can carry around with you for your protection, especially if you’re traveling alone or at later hours. We cover some of the best products you can purchase today in this article.

Have you ever worried about AirTags and other tracking devices? We want to hear your thoughts.

Credit” Berkeley Varitronics Systems


At the time of publishing, the Apple AirTag has over 98,000 global ratings with 84% giving the product 5 stars on Amazon.

Get an Apple AirTag here





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