Delete these apps that lie about freeing up space

Let’s face it.  You may delete photos, videos, or extraneous files off your phone and still realize that you either need to purchase more storage or upgrade your Apple or Google backup plans.

Many people go as far as downloading apps that promise to scan your entire phone to clear cache and remove unnecessary files.

I’m here to tell you DON’T DOWNLOAD THESE APPS!

McAfee recently uncovered new “HiddenAds” malware on the Google Play Store that hides in many of these cleaner apps mentioned below.  As soon as you install these apps, malware can be injected into your device.

Some of these potentially dangerous apps look like apps you already have with similar icon images. Once the malware is installed, you’ll start to see advertisements and some of these ads will encourage you to run programs that will alter the apps already on your device.

Malware-infected apps blacklist

  • Junk Cleaner – 1M+ downloads
  • EasyCleaner – 100k+ downloads
  • Power Doctor – 500k+ downloads
  • Super Cleaner – 500K+ downloads
  • Full Clean – Clean Cache – 1M+ downloads
  • Fingertip Cleaner. 500k+ downloads
  • Quick Cleaner – 1M+ downloads
  • Keep Clean – 1M+ downloads
  • Windy Clean – 500k+ downloads
  • Carpet Clean – 100K+ downloads
  • Cool Clean – 500K+ downloads
  • Strong Clean – 500k+ downloads
  • Meteor Clean – 100k+ downloads

How to protect yourself

  1. Always keep your iOS or Android software up to date.
  2. Keep your browsers up to date.
  3. If you have one of these apps installed, uninstall them immediately and then remove any malware that may be on your phone using an antivirus app.  My top pick is TotalAV (Limited time deal: $19 your first year (80% off).  More: Best Antivirus Protection in 2022 found here.
  4. When considering downloading an app, always check:
    1. the number of ratings
    2. how many people rated the app
    3. the number and quality of the comments.
    4. whether the source of the app comes from a legitimate company with a legitimate webpage. ]
  5. Install good security protection on all of your devices for the best protection. My top pick is TotalAV (Limited time deal: $19 your first year (80% off).  More: Best Antivirus Protection in 2022 found here.




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