YouTube Stars Rake in the Millions: Their Secrets

YouTube stars rake in millions of dollars each year and will make you question all of your life choices. Below I break down the top 5 youtube earners and just how simple their videos are.  Analytics company Social Blade uses a unique algorithm to determine the best accurate estimate of revenue each of these YouTubers earn since the information is confidential and no one is talking.  What we do know for certain, is that parent company Google, takes about a 45% cut of advertising revenue brought in by some of their big shots.

1. Disneycollectorbr: $1.5 to $23.4 million annually for her videos about playing with children’s toys.

2. Pewdiepie: $1.2 and 18.9 million every year for his comedy videos, often about video games.

3. Littlebabybum: makes animated nursery rhymes for YouTube, earns $845,500 to $13.5 mill annually.

4. Stampylonghead: $698,100 to $11.2 mill every yr for videos about “Minecraft” and other video games.

5. Popularmmos: $750,900 to $12 million for “Minecraft” gameplay commentary specifically.


How to start a YouTube channel successfully

1) Setup a free YouTube account. Go to and click “create account”.
2) Pick a catchy name for your channel that people will remember.
3) Create your first video. Pick a subject to focus on. Subjects you know well or have strong feeling about tend to do the best.
4) Make a schedule of how often you will post videos to your channel and stick with it.
5) Choose good descriptions and tags for your videos to get people to find you, watch video, and subscribe to you.

5 biggest YouTube mistakes

1) Copying other people
2) Bad or misleading video descriptions
3) Forgetting to respond to subscribers
4) Having thin skin and getting ruffled by commenters
5) Boring videos that are not relevant

Check out the YouTube Creator Academy and per their channel, “learn tips from savvy creators as they showcase their secrets and best practices – pre-production, production, building your channel, getting discovered, growing your audience, analytics, case studies, deep dives into different genres”.

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Matthew Ratchford February 9, 2015 - 6:27 pm
Hi! I was reading a lot on the subject and I'm very interested! I love the idea and I want to move further into it but I'm confused on something's. First, where does the income come from? Where is the money coming to me from? Also, do I have to stick to one product, do I have to use a product directly, and does the money/popularity come from views? If you could please answer back through email and/or comment I'd greatly appreciate it!! Thanks, Matthew Ratchford
Kurt Knutsson July 21, 2015 - 9:03 pm
Matthew... these are all great questions that the YouTube Space folks address. Most money comes from advertisers and those who pay for product mentions. The tricky part is that those YouTubers who are really cashing in are also tight lipped about how much and where the money comes from specifically.
Roberta March 1, 2015 - 6:03 am
Good Morning! its a beautiful day in the neighborhood........ Or it would be if I could find the 'pay to post' site that you spoke about this morning ( Mar 1st) on Fox and Friends. You said there must be an Invite ( you said you would do the inviting ) to join if we went to Fox News.....this is where I landed. Could you help me? Being paid to post seems pretty terrific to me...something I could do. I quit FB almost 3 years ago because of all the hypocrisy and extreme liberal agenda... Roberta
Kurt Knutsson March 1, 2015 - 12:12 pm
Hi Roberta, the link has been added into this new article we just posted: Get Paid to Post on New Social Network
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