What is malware and how can I protect myself?

If you’ve been a newsletter subscriber of our site, you know we’re always warning you against the latest malware and other cyberattacks. But what do these words all mean?

We’re going to break down what malware and ransomware are, explain what a trojan is, and we’ll even show you how to prevent any of these scary online risks yourself.


What is malware?

Malware is an abbreviation for malicious software, which refers to software developed with malicious intent.

Whether it’s coding that can force a virus to download or an attachment within an email that lets hackers take over your device, malware ranges from a number of different attacks.

There are also different types of malware, some of which cause even more significant concern.

Some of our recent malware-related articles here


What is ransomware?

It sounds similar to malware – ransomware is a specific type of malware that involves just like the name suggests – a ransom. 

Hackers will use malware to gain access to either your device or some of your specific personal information, and then they’ll request a ransom – meaning they will make you pay – for your information/files to be returned to you or deleted. 

Ransomware ranges from minor attacks where hackers don’t damage anything on your device to major attacks where you no longer can access anything at all on your device plus you’ve given over money that will never actually help them turn over control to your data. 

Some of our recent ransomware-related articles:


What is a trojan?

A trojan is sometimes confused for a virus, but it’s actually a type of malware. That’s because viruses are sometimes created and then they can replicate themselves or cause harm without anyone on either end, Trojan malware is always being controlled by a hacker themself.

Trojans are a kind of malware that looks like a real file or application, but they’ll actually be a disguise for something that can be spread to your files and install malware on your device.

Often trojans come as email attachments and will look like a legitimate file, but as soon as you download it, game over.

Some of our recent trojan-related articles:


How to defend yourself against malware

1. Never open an email, attachment, or link from anyone you don’t know

Always double-check who sent you an email or text message before clicking a link. Sometimes you’ll see an email that looks like it came from a friend, but upon closer inspection, you’ll realize the sender’s email address isn’t anyone you actually know at all.

What should you do if your friends got an email from you that you didn’t send?

2. Invest in a worthy Antivirus software

A good antivirus software will alert and prevent you from clicking any strange links. The best way to protect yourself from this kind of malware is to have antivirus software installed on all your devices. My #1 recommendation is always TotalAV, and you can get a limited-time deal for CyberGuy readers: $19 your first year (80% off) for TotalAV Antivirus Pro package.

Get my review of best antivirus software here.

3. Secure your email

If you’re worried about your email and hackers potentially accessing your private information, it may be time to switch to a private and secure email server. We just rated our top private email providers here so you can eliminate the possibility of clicking sketchy links.



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