Play Picdoku: Sports Balls

Play Picdoku: Sports Balls

Forget numbers—this game swaps digits for sports balls! Can you score big and solve it?

by Kathryn Metzger

The Super Bowl may be over, but the real challenge starts now! Instead of numbers, this sudoku-style puzzle uses footballs, baseballs, basketballs, and more. Your goal? Keep each row, column, and section free of duplicates—just like a well-balanced team lineup. Think you’ve got the playbook to solve it? Step up and take your shot!

Can you fill in the grid without repeating any icons in a row, column, or box? Give it a try and swipe your way to Sudoku glory!

Try it out, and tell me how you did in the comments below.

If you liked playing this game, check out all of our games here.

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