8 Linkedin Profile Tips To Put a Polish on Your Resume

8 Linkedin Profile Tips To Put a Polish on Your Resume

by Kurt Knutsson

Kurt the CyberGuy's Tips for Getting Your LinkedIn Profile (and Resume) Above the Fray


Kurt’s Linkedin Profile Tips for Getting Your Profile Page Noticed

1) Use a profile photo that looks like you are a pro
2) Make sure you write a bio of yourself chock full of keywords that cause you to hit the potential employers screen first .. Keywords you use in your profile need to match the words you see in the job posting.
3) Make your profile as visual as possible. LinkedIn now allows you to upload photos and embed YouTube videos. (Example: If you’re an executive assistant at a Catering company, show photos of your good work of organizing a luncheon or wedding reception)
4) In the top summary area of job description, make sure to be elaborate, but honest. Again, be sure to use keywords used in job postings you are applying to.
5) Add links to any proof of your previous work experience
6) Use LinkedIn skills feature to list as many as 50 skills that make you standout from the rest
7) Post professional advice on LinkedIn with your own unique spin and reaction on the topic.
8) Even once you land a dream job, it’s as important to maintain your professional profile as when you are out of work. (Be sure to document professional milestones and achievements)

Click here to learn more from my segment about reigning in Linkedin and what you can do to control your privacy

Kurt CyberGuy Knutsson Can Linkedin hurt your job search



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