How Facebook Stalks You

How Facebook Stalks You

by Kurt Knutsson

The reason Facebook is able to rake in $9.16 Billion in ad sales in the most recent quarter of 2017 has to do with what it knows about its 2 Billion users including you.

How Facebook is willing to connect just about anyone with a credit card to a very targeted audience when buying an ad on the social media network which now includes Instagram is how they make money.

Facebook publicly provides a complete guide to targeting people like you and me when creating an ad. What Facebook knows in great detail about us is extraordinary.

Every time you share a moment in life, a comment about a friend, engage in anything on the social media site, they are keeping track. They form an incredibly detailed file on you to make access to your life more valuable.

Facebook is the ultimate stalker of your personal details.

Here are some highlights that scratch the surface of a deep profile in a database on each person using Facebook.

  • What You Post on your timeline.
  • Apps you use, and ads you click or hide
  • Videos you watch.
  • Pages you engage with.
  • Demographics like age, gender, location.
  • When you post. Where you are when you post on Facebook.
  • Devices you own. The speed of your connection and service.
  • Your political beliefs.
  • Your friends beliefs.
  • Your job title.
  • Relationship status.
  • Prior purchases you’ve made.
  • Your hobbies.
  • Your religion.
  • Everywhere you go.
  • How likely you are to share private details of your life.

Facebook knows more about you than most of your close family and best friends. It’s a trade-off. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg knows that most people are unwilling to spend money for common access to a social network like Facebook. Compiling information about you that advertisers want, it is what has makes him a multi-billionaire and opens the world to a service that can influence more people in a very specific way better than any other media company. And we gave them permission.

How to See What Advertisers Access About You on Facebook

Just logon to your Facebook account and click Facebook Ad Preferences.



Joyce September 29, 2017 - 4:25 am


Great article! Was just discussing this with my computer literacy class. Average users have no idea how much data is being collected about them. Thank you!

John September 29, 2017 - 3:34 pm

I try to post different things that I couldn’t care less about just to try and throw them off guard and I never click on ads on FB.

Ginny September 29, 2017 - 6:05 pm

Thanks for all the great info u provide.

Could u possibly say which iPhone is the best? I have the 6 and it is a piece of junk. Don’t want to waste anymore money. Trust u to be HONEST.

THX. Ginny

Margie Mathieu-Tankersley December 2, 2017 - 5:44 am

That’s why there are times when I am driving and after I have stopped. .picked up my phone. The camera is on or has been accessed. That is total invasion of privacy. Would having an access pin to open my phone prevent this?? Or do they have access to that as well. Essentially, they run our phones then?

Kurt Knutsson
Kurt Knutsson March 11, 2018 - 10:18 pm

Hi Margie,
Overtime, downloading and adding apps to your phone could have the consequence of allowing access to your camera. Always check to see which apps request access to your camera.

How to disable access to your camera on an iPhone.
Open your Settings > Privacy > select Camera. There you’ll see all apps with camera access permissions, and you can turn them off.

Open Settings > Apps > choose Camera > tap Permissions and disable apps you do not wish to have access to your camera.

Hopefully this works. If not, there’s always bandaids or electrical tape to cover the camera lens. 🙂

Uncle Dave March 9, 2018 - 7:08 am

Very good article. I heard about you on Fox & Friends this morning.
Now, you need to do an article on what information Google collects with its subsidiary companies: YouTube, Gmail, and I don’t even know what else…


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